Best Cute Aesthetic School Supplies for you in 2021Well guys, it’s that time of the year. I’m officially in my second year of high school. Unfortunately, it’s only the first year that I’m…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
The Problem with SupergirlI watched a bit of Supergirl for a while but I eventually stopped and here’s why.May 8, 2021May 8, 2021
Coming Out UnexpectedlySo I’m not gonna lie to you guys. I first came out to literally everyone but my family and people I knew on social media. I first came out…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
How School Affected my Mental HealthFor as long as I can remember I use to love going to school. I got straight A’s, the teachers loved me, and I loved them. And yet somehow…May 2, 2021May 2, 2021
The Struggles of ProcrastinationPeople engage in this cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
A Dog with AnxietyThe first day that I had ever met my new dog Minnie was when my older sister brought her home from the humane society. Of course, her plan…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
What it’s Like Living with High-Functioning AnxietyYou could be one of the hardest working or best in your group but also be experiencing an intense feeling of anxiety at the same time….Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021